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Technical and Navigational FAQs

How do I view and print the current issue in PDF format?
To view our issue in PDF format, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is free software, widely available to the public, and it is a good addition to have on your computer for various purposes. Once you have the newest version of that program installed, it will automatically detect PDF files and bring them up on your screen without you having to do anything.

To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, follow this link:

Fill in the information in step 1, and be sure to mark the checkbox, which will automate the program. Complete steps 2 & 3, then click "download" and follow the prompts to install the program. Once you have done so, restart your computer for the new Adobe software to take affect. From there on, any time you visit our site and click on the PDF link, the newest issue of the Safe Money Report will be automatically displayed.

To print the issue, instead of using "FILE" and "PRINT" like you normally would, press the "printer icon" on the Adobe Acrobat panel.

I am unable to log in. What am I doing wrong?
New Subscribers -- When you first subscribe to our services, it may take up to two days for your subscription to register in our web system. Meanwhile, you can use the temporary user ID and password provided in your invitation letter. If you should experience problems with that, contact us at [email protected] and we will reply speedily with an effective solution, until you receive your personalized login information.

Current Subscribers -- You may be experiencing problems logging in due to our system being periodically updated. In the process, the system may automatically reset your password. You can contact us at [email protected] so we could reset your password back to normal, and provide you with any further help if needed. Response time varies between a few hours to one business day.

I can't get the "Login Box" to appear. Without it, I can't enter my username and password.
This problem is possibly caused by your "cookie" option being turned off. To turn this option on, follow these directions:

Internet Explorer users -- Open your browser, go to "Tools" (at the top), and click on "Internet Options". Under the "Security" tab, press "Custom Level". You will see a list of options. Scroll down to "Cookies". Make sure that you select "Enable" for both cookie options. Finalize, by clicking "Ok". Your cookies are now enabled.

Netscape users -- Click on "Edit", on the drop-down menu choose "Preferences". In the window that opens, find and click on "Advanced" from the left-hand panel. To the right will appear a section called "cookies". Select the top option, called "accept all cookies". Finalize your changes by selecting "Ok" at the bottom. Your browser cookies are now enabled.

I do not see your most up-to-date information. Where is it?
To resolve this problem, try emptying your browser "cache". You should periodically do this to ensure that you are getting the most updated site information from the Internet. Emptying your cache helps "refresh" your browser and improve its functionality. Here is how to clear your cache:

Internet Explorer users -- Open your browser, go to "Tools" (at the top), and click on "Internet Options". Under "Temporary Internet Files" click on "Delete Files", then check the box and click "OK". Then press "Settings" and make sure that the option "Every time you start Internet Explorer" is selected, then press "Ok". Also, under "History", press "Clear History", then "Ok". Finalize, by clicking "Ok" again. Your cache is now completely cleared.

Netscape users -- Click on "Edit", on the drop-down menu choose "Preferences". In the window that opens, find "Advanced" on the left side and click on the plus sign (+) next to it. From the drop down menu choose "Cache". On the right side, click on the button called "Clear Disk Cache" and "Ok". In the same section, below you will see three options. Select "Once per session". Then finalize your changes by choosing "Ok" at the bottom. You have now successfully enabled your cookies.

Once you have cleared you cache, re-enter the page address and login info, and proceed to login and use the site as usual.

I am having problems viewing parts of your site.
AOL users -- If you have AOL, it is possible that you may experience problems viewing parts of our site or the entire site, as AOL is sometimes unable to display advanced sites.

We recommend that you download Internet Explorer 5.5 from the Microsoft Website. This free browser is widely available to the public and it is a powerful, easy-to-use Internet tool. To download Explorer 5.5 for Windows 98 now, click here:

Follow the installation directions on the screen and be sure to restart your computer before using it for the first time. You should not encounter any problems viewing our site when using this browser, however if you do, contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to further assist you.

Netscape users -- It is possible that you have an older version of Netscape and it is not allowing you to view advanced parts of the site. The newest version of Netscape Navigator (4.08) is found on their website and it is available free to the public. For Windows, you can download it directly at: - press "download" and follow the installation prompts.

If you wish to download the latest Beta (test) version 6.3 of Netscape Navigator, visit: - press "download" and follow the installation prompts.

If you still encounter problems, we recommend that you download Internet Explorer 5.5 (see link below)

Internet Explorer users -- It is possible that you have an older version of Internet Explorer and it is not allowing you to view advanced parts of the site. The newest version (5.5) is found on the Microsoft website and it is available for free to the public.

For Windows 98, you can download it directly at: - click "download" and follow the installation prompts.

Accessing password-protected areas
To gain unlimited use of the Weiss Risk Ratings Search Engine, read current and past issues of the Safe Money Report newsletter, and see special subscriber-only Flash Alerts, order a subscription from the Safe Money Report Storefront. With your order, you will receive a temporary user id and password so that you can gain full access to the web site immediately!

If you are already a subscriber, your subscription may have expired. To add another year or two to your subscription, simply go to the Storefront and re-order!

Finding your password
If you've ordered by phone or mail:
When you first log-on to, your password is safemoney (your username is your customer number). After your initial login, you will be able to change your password (and user name) at any time. If you've forgotten your password, simply click here, and you can create a new password using your customer number and email address as identifiers.

If you've ordered online:
Look for your temporary user id and password in the confirmation email that you receive immediately after you place your order. This temporary user id and password will expire in 45 days. Look for your welcome package in the mail for instructions on how to create your permanent user name and password.

Finding your customer number
Customer Numbers are located on the mailing label on the envelope holding your Safe Money Report. The customer number is on the second line of the mailing label directly above your name. The digits that you should enter as your customer number are those following the "CN/", but omitting the last digit. The customer numbers are in red below:

#00000CN/85541124#DEPT: SMR-31203 286 280

Creating a permanent user name and/or password
You may create your unique, permanent user name and password by logging in using your customer number and safemoney as the password entering your new user name and password in the first and second lines of this simple form. Once you have chosen your new login identity, hit the submit change button and you may use your new user name and password the next time that you log into!
Please note: If you use a temporary user name and password instead of the customer number sent to you with your welcome package, your new login identity will expire in 45 days. Look for your welcome package in the mail and follow the instructions to create your unique user name and password.

Changing your user name and/or password
Your permanent user name and password will stay the same until your subscription expires or until you change them. To change either your user name or your password, follow the same instructions that you used to create your user name and password in the first place. Type over the existing user name and enter your new password into the boxes of this simple form and submit your changes. The next time you login, use your new user name or password.

Changing your address
Click on this link and, once you've logged on, type over your old address and submit your changes. We will send your next issue of Safe Money Report to your new address!

Using the Weiss Risk Ratings search engine
Discover how risky your stocks are by searching the Weiss Risk Ratings database! Read our Risk Ratings Search Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Using the Investment Tools area
Get current stock quotes, search through our mutual fund database, create your personal investment portfolio, and read industry news. How? Consult our Investment Tools Guide for tips on how to make the most of these tools.

Contact us at [email protected] if you need further assistance on performing any of the above installations.

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