I am having problems viewing parts of your site.
AOL users -- If you have AOL, it is possible that you may experience problems viewing parts of our site or the entire site, as AOL is sometimes unable to display advanced sites.
We recommend that you download Internet Explorer 5.5 from the Microsoft Website. This free browser is widely available to the public and it is a powerful, easy-to-use Internet tool. To download Explorer 5.5 for Windows 98 now, click here:
Follow the installation directions on the screen and be sure to restart your computer before using it for the first time. You should not encounter any problems viewing our site when using this browser, however if you do, contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to further assist you.
Netscape users -- It is possible that you have an older version of Netscape and it is not allowing you to view advanced parts of the site. The newest version of Netscape Navigator (4.08) is found on their website and it is available free to the public. For Windows, you can download it directly at:
http://home.netscape.com/download/1019100/10002-en-win32-4.08-base-128_qual.html - press "download" and follow the installation prompts.
If you wish to download the latest Beta (test) version 6.3 of Netscape Navigator, visit: http://home.netscape.com/download/1019100/10004-en-win32-6.00PR3-base-128_qual.html - press "download" and follow the installation prompts.
If you still encounter problems, we recommend that you download Internet Explorer 5.5 (see link below)
Internet Explorer users -- It is possible that you have an older version of Internet Explorer and it is not allowing you to view advanced parts of the site. The newest version (5.5) is found on the Microsoft website and it is available for free to the public.
For Windows 98, you can download it directly at: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/download/ie55.htm?FinishURL=%2Fdownloads%2Frelease%2Easp%3FReleaseID%3D22359%26redirect%3Dno - click "download" and follow the installation prompts.