THE ULTIMATE SAFE MONEY GUIDE is your best roadmap to preserving and growing your wealth even in today's dog-eat-dog financial markets!
Here's MORE of what you'll learn from
- Who To Call When You've Been Cheated By A Broker, Bank, Or Insurance Company: Agencies, addresses, and telephone numbers to use when you need to make sure your complaint gets RESULTS!
...Page 288
- The Most Scandalous Swindle Insurers And Ratings Companies Play On Consumers: And how you can beat them at their own game
...Page 134
- 38 Easy Ways To Make Money Like A Banker: The world's safest places for your savings. Names, toll-free phone numbers and websites where your savings/checking account pays you virtually the same interest rate banks earn plus you get instant liquidity, zero fees, zero state or local income taxes, and 100% truly FREE checking!
...Page 57
This is the one volume that tells it like it really is... gives you a clear, unvarnished insider's view of how the game is rigged how the deck has been stacked against you... and gives you literally hundreds of ingenious ways to both protect your money and keep it growing anyway!
Now, for the first time, you can know...
- 6 Hidden Stock Market Risks That Brokers Never Tell You About: Why there's no such thing as a "safe" bet on Wall Street. How exposed are you now? Find out NOW before it's too late!
...Page 25
- The Single Most Dangerous Lie That Brokers Tell: The true cost of "free advice" from anyone who works for a brokerage firm. How to grow richer faster by separating the sales hype from unbiased, reliable advice
...Page 26
- 3 Questions You MUST Ask Before Taking Investment Advice From ANYBODY: The quickest, easiest way to make more profitable investment decisions
...Page 28
- How Washington D.C. PROFITS From Wall Street's Most Horrendous Swindles: The scandalous reason why nobody in Congress or the U.S. Treasury Department lifted a finger to end conflicts of interest and deceit on Wall Street. Why you can't wait for reforms. And why you have the power to tell them to go blow and take control of your financial future
...Page 33
- The 4 Questions You MUST Ask Yourself RIGHT NOW If You Have Money In Stocks: They reveal the sobering reality most investors fail to see in seconds
...Page 49
- The Weiss "No-Risk, No-Worry" Wealth-Building Strategy: 3 often-overlooked choices that give you reliable yields and iron-clad safety for the money you can't afford to lose
...Page 80
- How To Choose The Best Broker For Your Mutual Fund Transactions: 4 brokers that give you virtually unlimited mutual fund choices... unlimited free transactions... unlimited free research and more! PLUS: The one place you should NEVER go to buy a mutual fund
...Page 86
- Fees You Should Pay With A Smile PLUS When To "Just Say 'NO!' What's fair; what's not.
...Page 92
- 5 Sources Of "BUY," "HOLD" And "SELL" Advice You Can TRUST: And the ONE source that factors risk into the equation for added safety. Toll-free numbers included
...Page 99
- What NEVER To Ask A CPA To Do For You: The one thing you should never allow your CPA to touch. The results could be disastrous!
...Page 106
- How To Know When It's Time To Sell No Matter WHAT Brokers May Tell You: The answers to these two simple questions give you clear guidance in seconds. Plus the information is 100% objective and absolutely free
...Page 100
- Find A Financial Specialist You Can TRUST: 4 easy steps to getting great advice without even a whiff of bias or conflict of interest
...Page 106
- How Brokers Try To Stack The Deck Against You: How brokers make it nearly impossible for you to sue no matter HOW blatantly they rip you off! PLUS: How to get your money back anyway
...Page 39
- 12 Steps To Arbitration Success: Your step-by-step roadmap to winning a settlement and/or prevailing in an arbitration hearing
...Page 40
- How To Find An Attorney To Fight For You � Even If You Can't Afford One! PLUS: Two quick, easy sources of experienced securities lawyers to guide you.
...Page 41
- What You'll Need To Win: A comprehensive checklist of the ammunition you'll need to win your case
...Page 42
- What Never To Say To Your Broker BEFORE You File For Arbitration: Ignoring this piece of advice makes winning much, MUCH more difficult!
...Page 42
- Putting THIS On Your Arbitration Claim Gets Brokers' Attention � FAST! Plus: How to write and file a powerful arbitration claim and more.
...Page 43
- Think Your Arbitrator Is Biased? REPLACE Him! Impossible? Not after you read this
...Page 43!
Sidestep Costly Financial Losses In 2002-2003!
Whenever you do business with a broker, a bank, an insurance company, or even a real estate firm, only one person is guaranteed a profit on the transaction.
... And it's NOT you!
The simple fact is, these companies have spent decades devising ways to make money off you, whether you profit or not! Learn...
- The Most Dangerous Lie Real Estate Brokers Tell: Hint: It could cost you up to 100% of the equity you now have in your home. Learn how to PROTECT the value of your home.
...Page 112
- WARNING: Dump This Ultra-Dangerous Type Of Real Estate NOW: Heeding this important warning could easily save you a fortune in 2002-2003!
...Page 113
- The 6-Step Weiss Stock Market Protection Plan: What to do, who to call, what to buy to cut your exposure to future stock market slumps!
...Page 118
- Options And LEAPS 101: The quickest, easiest way to understand and master these super-powerful investment vehicles. Up to 100 times more profitable than stocks... small investment... profitable in up AND down markets ... and no margin calls ever!
...Page 118
You Only THINK Your Insurance Will Pay Off When You Need It!
- How Safe Are YOUR Insurers? 4 quick steps to sweet peace of mind
...Page 145
- Life Insurance Primer: Finally understand all that jargon coming out of your agent's mouth... get the same or better protection for lower premiums ... determine how much coverage you really need... and MORE!
...Page 163
- How To Get A REFUND On A Policy You've Decided Is Not For You: Impossible? Not necessarily!
...Page 169
- Why You Should NEVER Buy This Kind Of Insurance Directly From An "Insurance Agent." PLUS 5 safer, cheaper ways to get the reliable coverage you need
...Page 171
- Annuities For Beginners: What they are, how to buy them, costly blunders to avoid, and more!
...Page 176
- 5 Common Annuity Rip-Offs And How To Avoid Each One: If you own annuities, this list alone will pay for your copy of THE ULTIMATE SAFE MONEY GUIDE many times over!
...Page 189
PLUS Crucial Wealth-Building Insights Your Broker Will NEVER Give You!
- How to DOUBLE the interest banks pay on your checking accounts
...Page 62
- 2 proven strategies that keep your money invested in mutual funds that give you profits of up to 86% per year or even MORE!
...Page 83
- 4 mutual funds that soar when the market crashes!
...Page 115
- 2 often-overlooked investment vehicles that can turn a meager $25,000 investment into as much as $232,000 at major market turns and sometimes much MORE!
...Page 118
- And much, MUCH more!
Is MUST-READING For Everyone
Who Earns, Saves, Or Invests Money!
